Sub Panel Installation

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Electrical Sub Panel Installation Ventura

You may want to install an electrical sub panel in Ventura if you want to better control the regulation of electricity to a specific area of your home. The sub panel looks just like your main electrical box, but it’s a little smaller. It helps to separate the electricity for a particular circuit in a particular area of the home.

For example, it may become necessary to further differentiate your electricity in the situation of multiple living units such as a duplex. Usually duplexes have separate electric meters and separate electric panels, but that’s not always the case. When there is just one electric meter and one panel, a sub panel becomes necessary for the other unit to be able to reset a tripped breaker.

Furthermore, when the designated sub panel area is relatively far from the main circuit breaker box, a sub panel is a good option to efficiently maintain the proper flow of electricity to that area. A basement, garage, and or an outdoor patio area are all common areas where we install sub panels in Ventura County currently.

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Need a New Service Panel or a Sub Panel?

In case you are still unsure of what you need, let’s start by thinking about the problem. Is your main panel old? Is the it tripping? Are lights dimming suggesting you need more power? If any of the above related to your case you need a new panel and maybe an upgrade. If you are looking for an electrician to upgrade the electrical panel in Ventura don’t hesitate to call us today!

On the contrary, are you looking to adding power to a particular area of your home or business? Perhaps an area further from the breaker box? In this case you need a sub panel installation. With that, you can segregate power to specific areas such as another floor, a garage, basement, patio, or even a home addition. If you are not yet sure of what you need, you can trust the PRO Electrician Ventura crew for a thorough recommendation and a safe and affordable sub panel installation in Ventura, Oxnard, and Camarillo.

This picture shows a subpanel installation in Ventura County CA. This sub panel distributed a new circuit to a garage of a home.

Sub Panel Advantages

There are many advantages to having a sub panel in your home or business. The main three advantages are:

  • Convenience – If your circuit breaker trips far away from the area of use, resetting a sub panel circuit breaker can be a lot easier. If a person is unable to reach the electric panel, being able to access a sub panel would also be convenient (duplex houses).
  • Efficiency – a sub panel box allows better regulation of electricity for one circuit to an area that that has high electrical usage. When that area is far from the main panel box, a sub panel is a good idea. Areas using electrical tools, like in a garage or workspace would make an ideal location for a sub panel.
  • Space – There are only so many circuit spots in a circuit breaker box. When an electrical breaker box runs out of space, a sub panel is needed to regulate more circuit

Why choose our Electricians to Install a Sub Panel in Ventura? 

About Us

Knowledge and experience with sub panel installation and repair
✔ Licensed and insured electricians in Ventura, Oxnard, Camarillo
Reliable, and honest
Affordable hourly rates

Get a Free Quote for a Sub Panel Installation in Ventura CA

Call our Ventura electricians for guidance and a FREE no-obligation quote for a sub panel installation. If you are still not sure what you need a quote for that is perfectly fine. We can guide you through the best options and honest recommendations.  We provide quotes for Ventura County, including Ventura, Oxnard, and Camarillo.


How is a Sub Panel Different from the Main Panel?

A sub panel is a division of the main circuit. It directs the power to a specific circuit, usually an area far from the main panel box.

Another way of seeing it is that there is only one main panel, and there could be multiple sub panels. Please note that a sub panel does not provide additional electricity to the circuit. In other words, if you were thinking to add a subpanel for more energy, it will not work. In that case, you need to upgrade your main panel instead. If you need an electrical sub panel installation in Ventura please call our experts for assistance.